1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems (NGOSCPS)

On Beyond POSIX

Monday, April 15, 2019
at CPS-IoT Week 2019
April 15-18, 2019, Montreal, Canada


[Call for Papers]

[Important Dates]




[Related Links]

Workshop Program

7:00 AM to
8:30 AM
(Correction: breakfast will not be provided - please make arrangements for that on your own)
8:30 AM to
10:00 AM

Session 1

Welcome and Introduction
Workshop Chair: Chris Gill

Bjorn B. Brandenburg, The Case for an Opinionated, Theory-Oriented Real-Time Operating System (presentation slides).

Reinder J. Bril, Support for Limited-Preemptive Fixed-Priority Scheduling - an evolutionary step still facing research challenges. (presentation slides)

Arne Hamann, Dirk Ziegenbein, and Selma Saidi, Requirements on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Automotive Systems. (presentation slides)

10:00 AM to
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM to

Session 2

Bryan C. Ward, Richard Skowyra, Samuel Jero, Nathan Burow, Hamed Okhravi, Howard Shrobe, and Roger Khazan,
Security Considerations for Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems. (presentation slides)

Dionisio de Niz and Bjorn Andersson, Processing Enhancement and Virtualization for Cyber-Physical Computations. (presentation slides)

David Ferry, Incorporating Physical Dynamics Into Systems Mechanisms(presentation slides).

Sandeep D'souza and Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar, A Cyber-Physical OS for Enabling Spatio-Temporal Coordination at Geo-distributed Scale. (presentation slides)

noon to
1:30 PM
1:30 PM to
3:00 PM

Session 3

Hendrik Borghorst, Michael Miller, and Olaf Spinczyk, More or Less? A Discussion of the Abstraction Level of Future Operating Systems. (presentation slides)

Aniruddha Gokhale, Yogesh Barve, Anirban Bhattacharjee, and Shweta Khare,
Software-defined and Programmable CPS/IoT OS: Architecting the Next Generation of CPS/IoT Operating Systems. (presentation slides)

Gabriel Parmer, Runyu Pan, Yuxin Ren, Phani Kishore Gadepalli, and Wenyuan Shao,
Component-based OS Design for Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems. (presentation slides)

Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, and Carsten Weinhold, Pluggable Components All The Way Down. (presentation slides)

3:00 PM to
3:30 PM
Coffee Break
3:30 PM to
5:00 PM

Session 4

Hudson Ayers, Armin Namavari, and Philip Levis, A Case for Type-System Based Networked Security. (presentation slides)

Branden Ghena, Jean-Luc Watson, and Prabal Dutta, Embedded OSs Must Embrace Distributed Computing. (presentation slides)

Andrea Mayer, Emanuele Altomare, Stefano Salsano, Francesco Lo Presti, and Clarence Filsfils,
The Network as a Computer with IPv6 Segment Rounting: a Novel Distributed Processing Model for the Internet of Things. (presentation slides)

Closing and Next Steps
Workshop Chair: Chris Gill
Home Chris Gill, <cdgill@cse.wustl.edu>
Last modified Wednesday April 3, 2019