My research explores new frontiers in unconventional analog computing techniques using silicon and hybrid substrates.
The objective is to approach fundamental limits of energy efficiency, sensing and resolution by exploiting
computational and adaptation primitives inherent in the physics of devices, sensors and the underlying noise processes.
Degree |
Field of Study |
Year |
Institution |
Ph.D. |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
2004 |
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA |
M.S. |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
2002 |
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA |
B.Tech |
Electrical Engineering |
1996 |
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India |
For a full list of publications and download links please visit the AIM Lab Web page (* denotes corresponding author)
M. Yuan, Alocilja E. C., S. Chakrabartty*, ``A Novel Biosensor based on Silver-enhanced Self-assembled Radio-frequency Antennas”,
IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 14, no: 4, pp. 941-942, 2014.
P. Sarkar, C. Huang, S. Chakrabartty*, ``An Ultra-linear Piezo-Floating-Gate Strain-Gauge for Self-powered Measurement of Quasi-static-strain”,
IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 7, no: 4, Aug 2013.
M. Gu, S. Chakrabartty*, ``A Varactor-driven, Temperature Compensated CMOS Floating-gate Current Memory with 130ppm/K Temperature Sensitivity",
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Nov. 2012.
C. Huang, S. Chakrabartty*, ``An Asynchronous Analog Self-powered Sensor-Data-Logger with a 13.56MHz RF Programming Interface", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Feb. 2012. DOI:10.1109/JSSC.2011.2172159.
M. Gu, S. Chakrabartty, An Adaptive, 100pJ/bit, (32,8,4), ``Analog LDPC Decoder based on Margin Propagation", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no:6, pp.1433-1442, 2011.
C. Huang, P. Sarkar, S. Chakrabartty*, ``Rail-to-Rail Hot-electron Injection Programming of Floating-gate Voltage Bias Generators at a Resolution of 13 bits", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.46, no:11, 2011, DOI:10.1109/JSSC.2011.2167390.
Y. Liu*, M. Gu, E.C. Alocilja, S. Chakrabartty, Co-detection:
Ultra-reliable Nanoparticle-Based Electrical Detection of Biomolecules
in the Presence of Large Background Interference, Biosensors and
Bioelectronics, Vol. 26, No:3, pp.1087-1092, 2010.
C. Huang, N.Lajnef, S. Chakrabartty*, Calibration and Characterization
of Self-Powered Floating-Gate Usage Monitor with Single Electron per Second
Operational Limit, IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems I, vol. 57, no: 3, pp. 556-567, 2010
Chakrabartty*, G.Cauwenberghs, A Sub-microwatt Analog VLSI Trainable
Pattern Classifier, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42,
no: 5, May 2007.
Liu, S. Chakrabartty*, and E. C.Alocilja, "Fundamental Building
Blocks for Molecular Bio-wire based Forward-error Correcting
Biosensors", Nanotechnology,
18, (2007), 4240172.
Chakrabartty* and G. Cauwenberghs, Gini-Support Vector Machine:
Quadratic Entropy Based Multi-class Probability Regression, Journal
of Machine Learning Research, Volume 8, pp. 813-839, April 2007.
Chakrabartty, “Multiple-input
Multiple-ouput Analog-to-digital Converter",
patent no: 7,479,911, Issued Jan 20, 2009.
Chakrabartty, ``Self-powered Strain-rate Sensor”, US Patent:
7,757,565, Issued Jul. 20, 2010.
Chakrabartty, ``Margin Decoding Communication System", US Patent:
8,060,810, Issued Nov.15, 2011.
Chakrabartty, et. al, ``Self-powered Sensor System", US Patent:
8,056,420, Issued Nov.15, 2011.