IPSN Student Travel Grants

Sponsored by NSF and SAP


From NSF and SAP: Congratulations to the travel award winners!

The following students are looking for roommates. Please contact directly:


Several student travel grants are now available to IPSN/SPOTS. Each grant includes:



Important Dates



Student selection for the travel grants will be in accordance with the following guidelines:



How to Apply


The student applicant must send an e-mail to “zaher AT cs . uiuc . edu”. The subject of the e-mail must be “IPSN TRAVEL AWARD APPLICATION” (in uppercase letters). The e-mail must contain the following information:






Advisor Name:

Research Topic:

Degree Sought:


The student must include in the e-mail a short (one-paragraph) narrative describing (i) why IPSN/SPOTS is relevant to the student’s research, and (ii) why they consider themselves eligible for a travel grant under the eligibility criteria outlined above.


The applications will be examined and ranked. The top applicants will receive award letters (by e-mail) informing them of the acceptance decision.