CSE574S: Recent Advances in Wireless and Mobile Networking (Fall 2024)

Course Description:j<
This course provides a comprehensive treatment of wireless data and telecommunication networks. Topics include recent trends in wireless and mobile networking, wireless coding and modulation, wireless signal propagation, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless local area networks, 60 GHz millimeter wave gigabit wireless networks, vehicular wireless networks, white spaces, IEEE 802.24 regional area networks, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart, wireless personal area networks, wireless protocols for Internet of Things, cellular networks: 1G/2G/3G, LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro, and 5G.

Prerequisite: CSE 473S (Introduction to Computer Networks) or permission of the instructor

Instructor: Prof. Raj Jain, jain@cse.wustl.edu
Office Hours: By appointment. Please send email for the appointment.

Teaching Assistant: TBA
Office Hours: Friday/Sunday: 1:30PM-2:30PM

Location: TBA
The class meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:00PM to 2:20PM. This is a flipped class. the students view the pre-recorded lecture asynchronously at their convenience and submit questions online. The class time is devoted to discussing answers to those and any subsequent questions. The class will be held synchronously at the class time.

All question about the homeworks and exams grading should be directed to the TA.

Audio/Video recordings of lectures from the last seven offerings of this course are available: Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Spring 2010, Spring 2008, Spring 2006.

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)

18/26/2024MondayCourse Overview
28/28/2024WednesdayWireless Trends
Wireless Coding and Modulation (Part 1)
9/2/2024MondayLabor Day Holiday
39/4/2024WednesdayWireless Coding and Modulation (Part 2)
49/9/2024MondayWireless Signal Propagation
59/11/2024WednesdayIEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. Part I:Basics
69/16/2024MondayWireless LANs Part II: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (Part 1)
79/18/2024WednesdayWireless LANs Part II: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (Part 2)
89/23/2024MondayExam 1 Review
99/25/2024WednesdayMid-Term Exam 1
109/30/2024MondayWiFi 6 and 7
1110/2/2024Wednesday60 GHz Millimeter Wave Gigabit Wireless Networks
10/7/2024MondayFall Break
1210/9/2024WednesdayVehicular Wireless Networks +Wireless in White Spaces
1310/14/2024MondayIoT+Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart (Part 1)
1410/16/2024WednesdayBluetooth and Bluetooth Smart (Part 2)
1510/21/2024MondayIEEE 802.15.4 WPAN
1610/23/2024WednesdayLow Power WAN Protocols for IoT
1710/28/2024MondayExam 2 Review
1810/30/2024WednesdayMid-Term Exam 2
1911/4/2024MondayIntroduction to 6LowPAN and RPL
2011/6/2024WednesdayCellular Networks: 1G/2G/3G
11/27/2024WednesdayThanksgiving Break
2612/2/2024MondayExam 3 Review
2712/4/2024WednesdayExam 3

Student Papers
Complete List of Audio and Video Recording of Lectures by Raj Jain
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