Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 2004 (WPDRTS04)

April 26th and 27th, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico


[Student Research Paper Session]

[Call for Papers]

[Important Dates]




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Best Paper

The organizers of the Twelfth International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems are pleased to announce an award for the best paper submitted to this year's workshop. The award is presented to Jeffery Hansen, Sourav Ghosh, Ragunathan Rajkumar and John Lehoczky, for the paper titled "Resource Management of Highly Configurable Tasks". We gratefully acknowledge support for this award by the Center for Intelligent Distributed and Dependable Systems at The Ohio University.


The International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems is a forum for the presentation and discussion of approaches, research findings, and experiences in the domain of large-scale parallel and distributed real-time systems. Of interest are both the research and development of relevant technologies as well as the applications built using such technologies.

WPDTS 2004 Workshop Program

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Monday, April 26, 2004

8:15 - 8:30Welcome and Opening Remarks by Workshop and Program Chairs
8:30 - 9:30WPDRTS 2004 Keynote Speech
  • "Twelve Principles for the Design of Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems" Hermann Kopetz, Technische Universitat, Vienna, Austria
9:30 - 10:00Coffee Break
10:00 - 12:00Invited Paper Session: "Time/Utility Functions and Utility Accrual Scheduling"
organized byE. Douglas Jensen, MITRE
  • Raymond Clark, E. Douglas Jensen, and Nicolas Rouquette, "Software Organization to Facilitate Dynamic Processor Scheduling"
  • F. Drews, L.Welch, D. Juedes, D. Fleeman, A. Bruening, K. Ecker and M. Hoefer, "Utility-Function based Resource Allocation for Adaptable Applications in Dynamic Distributed Real-Time Systems"
  • Gerard Le Lann, "Time-Utility Scheduling and Provably Correct Critical Computer-Based Systems"
  • Haisang Wu, Binoy Ravindran and E. Douglas Jensen, "On the Joint Utility Accrual Model"
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 3:30General Paper Session I: Resource Management
  • Jeffery Hansen, Sourav Ghosh, Ragunathan Rajkumar and John Lehoczky, "Resource Management of Highly Configurable Tasks"
  • David Fleeman, M. Gillen, A. Lenharth, M. Delaney, L. Welch, D. Juedes and C Liu, "Quality based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service"
  • David Juedes, Frank Drews, Lonnie Welch and David Fleeman, "Heuristic Resource Allocation Algorithms for Maximizing Allowable Workload in Dynamic, Distributed Real-Time Systems"
  • Reinhard Seyer, Christian Siemers, Rainer Falsett, Klaus Ecker and Harald Richter, "Robust Partitioning for Reliable Real-Time Systems"
  • Sethavidh Gertphol and Viktor Prasanna, "Iterative Integer Programming Formulation for Robust Resource Allocation in Dynamic Real-Time Systems"
3:30 - 4:00Coffee Break
4:00 - 6:00General Paper Session II: Scheduling and Computation
  • Deming Liu and Yann-Hang Lee, Pfair Scheduling Of Periodic Tasks With Allocation Constraints On Multiple Processors
  • UmaMaheswari Devi and James Anderson, Improved Conditions for Bounded Tardiness under EPDF Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling
  • Michael Frisbie, Douglas Niehaus, Venkita Subramonian and Christopher Gill, Group Scheduling in Systems Software
  • Qi Han, Matthew Ba Nguyen, Sandy Irani andNalini Venkatasubramanian, "Time-sensitive Computation of Aggregate Functions over Distributed Imprecise Data"

Tuesday April 27, 2004

8:30 - 9:30IPDPS Plenary Session
9:30 - 10:00Coffee Break
10:00 - 11:00Invited Tutorial
  • "The Need for Utility Accrual Scheduling in the JPL Mission Data System" Kirk Reinholtz, Chief Programmer, Mission Data System, NASA JPL, USA
11:00 - 12:00General Paper Session III: System Synthesis
  • Sanjoy Baruah, "Cost-efficient synthesis of real-time systems upon heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms"
  • Paulo Palazzari, Luca Baldini and Moreno Coli, "Synthesis of Pipelined Systems for the Contemporaneous Execution of Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks with Hard Real-Time Constraints"
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 2:00General Paper Session IV: Middleware and Networks
  • Rainer Finocchiaro, Stefan Lankes and Andreas Jabs, "Design of a Real-Time Corba Event Service customized for the CAN Bus"
  • Paulo Pedreiras and Luis Almeida, "Message routing in multi-segment FTT networks: The Isochronous Approach"
2:00 - 3:30Student Paper Session
organized byVana Kalogeraki, U. of California, Riverside, USA
  • Hoai Hoang, "Real-Time Communication for Industrial Embedded Systems Using Switched Ethernet"
  • Sathish Gopalakrishnan, "Managing Communication in Integrated Modular Architectures"
  • Talal Darwich, "Pulse-modulated Radar Display Processor on a Chip"
  • Prashant Dewan, "Peer-to-Peer Reputations"
  • Fang Chen, "A Utility-based Approach to Scheduling Multimedia Streams in Peer-to-Peer Systems"
  • Murali Krishna Ramanathan, "Increasing Object Availability in Peer-to-Peer Systems"
3:30 - 4:00Coffee Break
4:00 - 5:00Challenge Problem Session
organized byDouglas Niehaus, University of Kansas, USA
  • Uwe Brinkschulte, Joergen Becker and Theo Ungerer, "CARUSO - an Approach Towards a Network of Low Power Autonomic Systems on Chips for Embedded Real-time Applications"
5:00 - 6:00 Panel Session, "Static WCET Analysis vs. Measurement: What is the Right Way to Assess Real-Time Task Timing?"
organized by Lonnie Welch, Ohio University, USA
and Peter Puschner, Technische Universitat, Vienna, Austria
  • Christian Ferdinand, "Worst Case Execution Time Prediction by Static Program Analysis"
  • Charles Cavanaugh, "On Static WCET Analysis vs. Run-time Monitoring of Execution Time"
  • Frank Mueller, "Timing Analysis: In Search of Multiple Paradigms"
  • Scott Brandt, "The Case for Dynamic Real-Time Task Timing in Modern Real-Time Systems"
6:00 - 6:15Closing Remarks

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Last modified 05:55:00 CST October 29, 2003